Example 1ΒΆ

Example one aims to demonstrate that a zone achieves at least 350 lux for 2500 hours per year or more.

1. On the Calculation Input page of the wizard, change the CBDM calculation type to other:


This allows you to change the start hour, end hour and time fraction.

2. Change the start hour to 9 and the end hour to 17 :


This is to ensure that the number of hours in the calculation period is greater than the target number of hours we are comparing against.

Hovering over the start/end hour text boxes will show you how many annual hours this corresponds to.

3. Run the CBDM calculation, and save the tcbdm intermediate file:


4. Open the tcbdm file in the Daylight Analysis Results Viewer and press Analyse:


5.Enter 350 in the lux field, and 2500 in the hours field:


6.Optionally, generate a report:
