Building Regulations and Building Category¶

Tick the EPC box if you want the studio to generate a reference building and carry out the calculations needed to produce a certificate that can be lodged by a qualified Energy Assessor. How much the occupancy changes throughout the day will determine if the reference building will pre-heat the fresh air before it enters the zone.
When you tick the accredited constructions box the BRUKL document will state that measured constructions have been used. This option will not change your results in any way.
The tick box for light metering means that the lighting consumption will be adjusted by 5%, and therefore the CO2 emissions will also be reduced. Likewise, on the air-side configuration screen there is an option for monitoring and targeting with alarms for out-of-range values which adjusts consumption for heating, cooling, auxiliary, and HWS by 5%.
The power factor correction options are <0.9, 0.9-0.95, and >0.95. If you select 0.9-0.95 or >0.95 then anything that uses grid supplied electricity as a power source will have its CO2 emissions adjusted by 1% or 2.5% respectively.
If you’re modelling power factor correction and you’ve ticked the light metering box as well, then the lighting consumption value will be adjusted by 5% first of all, this is to account for the light metering in the building. The adjusted value will then be multiplied by the relevant CO2 emission factor. Finally, the 1% or 2.5% power factor adjustments will be made.
The notional building has a power factor correction >0.95 and checks for out-of-range values for lighting (and HVAC). It will use the same adjustment factors.
Exercise and Notes¶
Tick both the Part L2 and EPC boxes. Later you will need to enter either your Assessor Number or a dummy value of ABCD123456. Ticking the EPC box means the studio will also produce a reference building alongside the actual and notional buildings. If you enter a dummy value then you will not be able to lodge the certificate.
Set the power factor correction to >0.95 in order to set the adjustment factor for CO2 emissions to 2.5%.
Tick the light metering box so that the lighting consumption will be adjusted by 5% (before the power factor correction is taken into account).
The reference building type will be set to places of assembly, office, and shops, which means the percentage opening areas in the reference building will be 40% windows (of exposed wall area) and 20% rooflights (of exposed roof area).