Selecting Air Side Systems¶

Right-click on the system group to manually assign an air-side system type from the pop-up menu.
There are three different CAV systems to choose from. There are two types of fancoil, mechanical ventilation without any cooling, VAV, and VRF setups. Other options include active chilled beams, displacement ventilation, extract only, mixed mode, and natural ventilation.
There’s also an option to model just the internal gains as per the NCM database but without any heating or cooling. This option is called “occupied and unheated”.
Demand control ventilation based on occupancy density or gas sensors can be modelled in the actual building for zones with mechanical ventilation. Enhanced ventilation control can be modelled in naturally ventilated zones linked to building management systems, e.g., electronic trickle vents. The associated demand control coefficient will depend on the type of demand control as per the NCM modelling guide.
Demand control ventilation with fan speed control for air flow regulation will affect the auxiliary energy calculation. This is not true of damper control.
Demand control ventilation through variable fans with speed control based on CO2 sensors will be modelled in the notional building for zones with mechanical ventilation.
Auxiliary energy is the product of the auxiliary power density and annual hours of operation of the heating system from the NCM Activity database. The auxiliary power density is the sum of the pump and fan power densities.
Three sections are on the right which need to be filled in: BRUKL Details, Components, and System.
Monitoring for out-of-range values can be toggled on and off here. This feature will reduce heating, cooling, auxiliary, and HWS consumption by 5%.
Exercise and Notes¶
Make sure that your air-side system types are correctly allocated by selecting them on the right-click menu.
For each system we will be monitoring for out of range values, as the Building Regulations and Building Category topic explains.